International Commodity Exhibition and Trade Center



Gaoqiao International Commodity Exhibition and Trade Center, completed and opened in 2016, is divided into Import Commodity Exhibition Hall, Multi-Functional Exhibition Hall,  International Trade Comprehensive Area, International Procurement Center and other areas.

At present, 11 national and regional pavilions have settled in the center, including Africa Pavilion, France Pavilion, Brazil Pavilion, European Union Pavilion, Japan Pavilion, Etc.Over 10,000 Products from 46 countries and regions have been exhibited all year round, which has become an express channel for foreign products to enter the market of Central China. Relying on the overlapping policies of Pilot Free Trade Zone + Pilot Market Procurement Trade + China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, the advantages of circulation channels in Gaoqiao Grand Market are fully used to make it more convenient for merchants to import and consistently expand the Chinese market.
